Search Results for: joy bomb

  1. Article image

    Tumbleweeds and Joy Bombs

    I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was right after sunrise this morning as I drove down my street, heading out to meet some guys for an early bike ride. And there it was. A tumbleweed. In the middle of suburgatory asphalt and the tract home village. I’ve lived on this street for a decade and...

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  2. Article image

    I Am His Favorite

    It was a shimmering rehearsal dinner, the headwaters of which were most certainly in Eternity. Cherie and I were basking in the midst, poignantly aware of the premium of the joy between us. You know how it goes: weddings can be a charged mirror reflecting back the current state of the union. We’ve attended our...

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    How Roadkill Became My Love Language

    “Dear Jesus, please help my daddy find a fresh road kill.” It caught me completely off guard as my 6 year-old son offered this prayer from the back seat as we prayed through our daily prayer.  While it wasn’t completely out of context, it hadn’t dawned on me how much I must’ve been putting words...

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  4. Article image

    Did Jesus Wear Flip Flops?

    The First Disruption Years ago, my family and I were headed over to a friend’s house for dinner.  As we pulled in, we found my buddy cutting his grass on a riding lawnmower.  The scene would’ve been a normal one, except for one thing: the way my friend was cutting the grass. Instead of tidy...

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    The Kingdom of God Is Like a Pair of Stretchy Pants

    It doesn’t matter if I’m onstage or not. I find the communal experience of a rock concert achieves a kind of transcendence. It’s the closest thing to what I think people expect church to be like. Or maybe just what I’ve always thought church should be. You lose yourself, and at the same time come...

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    Computer Hands

    I step in shit all the time and recognize it when I do. I’ve just learned how to scrape it off my boots and carry on.– Matthew McConaughey, Greenlights It hurt like hell.  The moment the block of Ponderosa pine slipped through the grip of my glove, I knew the fingers between that log and...

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